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Welcome to the world of digital graphic art.

Sportgrafx specializes in custom painted artwork of you in your sport of choice. In addition, Sportgrafx works with any photograph of quality to create a digitally painted masterpiece.

From ice hockey, to baseball, to football and all sports in between we take your professional-quality photos and render beautiful painted versions of them for you to treasure a lifetime.

Additionally we digitally paint from ANY professionally shot photograph any subject of your choice. Be sure to check out our galleries to get an idea of the type of work we can do.

Lastly, we can create painted artwork from a sketch, yours or ours. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Watch for our graphic design site coming soon: www.x4creative.com (link is not currently active)

Digital Art has no bounds in the 21st Century. Everything we do is done directly on the computer utilizing the latest in technology and graphic software. Unlike days past, we do not need oils, pastels, charcoal or the like but can create on the screen the same exact look and feel of those mediums. In fact, because we are digitally altering our universe, we can mix pastels, oils, watercolor, etc. within the same piece of art! Never before has the artistic world been able to mix and match mediums until now. Imagine, Monet finishing an oil painting after weeks and months and then being able to return to it and add soft pastels in chalk to give a more soft and subtle feeling to various portions of the painting. Or, imagine Van Gogh utilizing the wet look of water colors to paint the blood from his ear in the famous self-portrait. While those may or may not have altered the originals to any substantial degree, what is clear is the former boundaries of creative expression are being re-drawn in this new century. Sportgrafx and x4Creative are on the forefront of this new technology curve.

Enjoy the ride with us as we explore together the amazing creative possibilities of this technology by utilizing photography, sketches, and the marriage of the tactile with the new digital world of the 21st century!

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